The mission of RCC is to live out the Great Commandment so that we might fulfill the Great Commission of Making Disciples of King Jesus.
The vision of Redemption City Church is to give every man, woman, and child a place to Belong, a path to Become, and an opportunity to Believe in the life-changing reality of Jesus Christ, so that, they might Be a disciple of Jesus Christ.

Our Story

How  it  Began

The vision was to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with every man, woman, and child in and around Austin, TX. The reality, though, is that there are just 4.75 churches per 10,000 people in Austin. To fulfill God's vision for our city, we knew we had to take the gospel to Austin, and not wait for Austin to come to us. So, in 1996 the Association of Hill Country Churches (AHCC) was formed and  has been planting churches from Georgetown all the way down to Gonzales.

In 2014 Redemption City Church in Round Rock, TX was planted, in faith, by Hill Country Bible Church Leander and became the 29th church plant in our association. From the beginning we’ve been a church that has loved people no matter where they are, who they are or where they’ve been. Because we are willing to love them like JESUS we have been able to lead them to embrace him as their Savior. One of our core values Redemption City is when you help people BELONG, you help people BELIEVE!

The longer you are around the story of RCC the more you realize that God is leading this church. From our humble beginnings in Round Rock High School to the parks at Brushy Creek, to Elsa England Elementary the evidence is clear that God is up to something supernatural.
Lead Pastor Bill Muench at Baptism Service

Where are We Headed?

As we explore the vision and future of RCC, we declare that this is going to be a different place. A place where dreams are dreamed and where promises are fulfilled. A place where anyone and everyone can find a place to begin again! A place where the hurting find healing and where the broken find hope through the life changing gospel of Jesus Christ expressed and experienced through the lives of a people called Redemption City!  All we have to do is STEP IN!

Expanding the vision...

Hey Redemption City, we stand at the edge of one of the most spiritually significant moments in the life of our church. Its significant because it requires us to take another faith step with God. Since we planted in 2014, God has faithfully & supernaturally led us to be a people that is passionate about giving every man. woman and child a place to belong, path to become and an opportunity to believe in the life changing message of Jesus Christ. I am so proud to be the pastor of a people that is willing to shamelessly trust God by praying big bold prayers. Let's watch God do it again! STEP IN with us as we commit to live courageously. give generously, so that we might be the difference for every man, woman and child in Brushy Creek. I can't wait to see God step up as we STEP IN!
See with the Eyes of Faith
Trust God with Our Future
Expect God to Lead Us
Prepare for God to Change Us
Immediately Obey Whatever He Asked Us to Do
NOTHING is Going to be Impossible with Our God

Campus  Vision

Be a part of our story...

Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together 10 am.