“Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do amazing things among you.” Joshua 3:5

As a community of followers of Jesus it has always been our heart to simply love God, love others, and make disciples. Never to be at a certain number or have a big building but simply be about those three things. In 2020 God began to take us on a journey of where He was leading us. Through the gifts of real generosity we were given 12.8 acres of land in North Austin and have begun the process of dreaming and visioning of a place where mission and marketplace collide. Not just a space for Sunday but for Monday through Sunday.

In this Pursuit We'll Need to Step In

Step In isn't just a phrase but it is how, we as a church community,
will grow to be the type of people God is calling us to be.

See with the eyes of faith

Trust God with
our future

Expect God to
lead us

Prepare for God to change us

Immediately obey 

Nothing will be impossible for God

Our goals

1 John 5:12 "He who has the Son, has life...
  • Become a Storyteller with us, as we seek to have 1,000 Gospel conversations, where we listen to people's story, tell our story, and share Jesus' story.
  • Invite and invest into 3 new families over the next 3 years and ask them to join us on mission as we reach every man, woman, and child with the gospel of Jesus Christ!
2 Corinthians 8:7 "God loves a cheerful giver."
Time/Talents: God created you for service. To serve God and to serve others. To make a difference inside and outside the church.
  • We are calling everyone to "STEP IN" and grow in one of our Serve Teams at Redemption City. (Kids City, Crew, Students, Welcome Team, Worship/Production)
Treasure: When we Give Generously...we don't get to give to God, we get to give back to God!
  • We are asking everyone to "Step in" and Give Generously above our regular giving and tithes to Phase 1 ($1.5 Million) of Redemption City Church on the hill. This will be our first step for Redemption City to build a flexible yet beautiful space for the church to begin meeting in.
  • We are also looking to bring James Rhodes on full-time as our Worship/Media Pastor.
John 10:10 "Life abundantly."
We planted Redemption City to Be the Difference for every man, woman, and child in Brushy Creek through the Gospel of Jesus Christ!
  • We are believing God to call 2 families to live missionally for Him in the apartments that are next to the property.
  • We are believing God to plant an Indian Church here in Brushy Creek that will begin to reach the nearly 18,000 Indians right around us.
  • We want to create a place at Redemption City where we not only see people come to faith, but that we might see people begin to flourish in every are of their life as they become "Whole-life Disciples". (Faith, Family/Friends, Fitness, Future, Finances)

How to Step In

Pray. It sounds simple but no movement of God has ever come that wasn't preceded by a heart to pray bold prayers to a God that listens! So we're asking you pray that God would grow us into the community He is calling us to be for the area He has planted us in. Below is a prayer guide that will guide you in specific ways to pray for yourself and for us as a church.

Give. When it comes to generosity we need only look at the cross and see God as the ultimate giver. It is our heart to continue to remind you that this is not about land or buildings on a piece of land but this is about people in our community that are in need of a relationship with Jesus that changes their lives. To that mission we are asking you partner with us and fulfill the Great Commission by living out the Great Commandment!